Steel Manufacturer

Published on May 12, 2021

Steel Manufacturer boosts Uptime through better Maintenance & Reliability


dss+ carried out a deep dive diagnostic of existing maintenance and reliability (M&R) practices to gain insight into the root causes limiting plant availability, size the business opportunity, and define a prioritized improvement roadmap.

The approach entailed:

  • Extensive data analysis incl. production, raw material/ energy consumption, spare parts availability, wrench time, etc.
  • Identification of key value drivers impacting plant availability and M&R performance.
  • Deep-dive analysis of key enablers determining current gaps e.g. M&R processes, Management Operating System, Mindsets & Behaviours.
  • Engagement of operational & maintenance teams to define & prioritize solutions.
  • Quantification of improvement opportunities & identification of key operational risks
  • A prioritized roadmap to improve both "Mean Time Between Failures" and "Mean Time to Repair" through targeted initiatives.
  • Specific improvement opportunities for critical equipment e.g. gas compressor, reformer, continuous casting machine, cranes, electric arc furnace.