Core values
Explore the values that drive us
dss+ works with clients to save lives and create a sustainable future. To do so effectively, we live our core values that underpin our thinking, our goals and our actions, every step of the way. Coupled with our passion and expertise, the dss+ core values ensure we forge a path to success for our employees, stakeholders and clients — one that we can all be proud of. What ideals do we prioritise? These are the four compass points that guide our actions.

dss+ Code of Conduct
As an independent consulting company, our success is dependent upon our people, our decisions and the culture we build together in the new dss+. We are a community of highly talented and experienced professionals committed to saving lives, enhancing the capabilities of our people and bringing sustainable changes to a wide range of clients across the world. It is our people, individually and collectively, that differentiates us and enables us to generate lasting changes with our clients.
dss+ Modern Slavery Statement 2023
dss+ firmly upholds the conduct of the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015, to abolish all forms of modern slavery.
dss+ Ethics Concern Reporting Service
To actively demonstrate our core values, dss+ strives to uphold high levels of transparency, accountability and business ethics, in order to reduce risks at an early stage and maintain trust in our business operations. To achieve this, we encourage our employees, vendors, contractors, clients and business partners to raise their legitimate concerns regarding unethical practices, misconduct or wrongdoing through an Ethics Reporting mechanism that protects them from reprisal, and ensures compliance with our confidentiality obligations.
You can use our ethics reporting service to alert us about any conduct or activity that has occurred in a work-related context that you reasonably believe is unethical or unlawful. This conduct or activity may be, without limitation:
- Corruption and financial irregularities, such as bribes, corruption, unfair competition, money laundering, fraud, conflict of interest, improper or misleading accounting or financial reporting practices
- Health and safety violations, such as workplace health and safety, serious discrimination and harassment, violence
- Privacy violations, such as improper use of personal data, breach of data protection and IT security laws
- Unethical Breaches, such as illegal activity in breach of law, regulation or industry norms related to our operations and activities, or any breach of our code of conduct or policies
How to report a concern?
Individuals can report their concerns via our online reporting channel. You can access our independent, anonymous, and secure Ethics Concern Reporting service administered by WhistleB, which is offered by our external service provider NAVEX. The service is available in multiple languages, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, through an online reporting channel:
Online: Access via
You enter manually the details of the report by responding to a series of questions (in your chosen language).
By using the reporting channel with our independent external service provider:
- you are contributing to an earlier and more effective response to the issue;
- you can remain anonymous and your identity will not be disclosed, without your explicit consent, to anyone beyond the authorized staff members who receive and follow up on reports;
- You are assured that all reported matters will be investigated professionally and treated consistently.
The Ethics Reporting channel can be reached on any device, including smart phones. For more information, please see:
- How to send a message – check a short introduction film
- Ethics Concern Reporting service guidelines