Microlearning Brochure
Demonstrate your organization's commitment to safety and employee development by providing convenient access to just-in- time microlearning courses from dss+.
Our new microlearning library features e-learning courses that are built in HTML5, include a quiz, and are designed to take five minutes or less to complete.

Make a big impact with Microlearning
Demonstrate your organization’s commitment to safety and employee development by providing convenient access to just-in- time microlearning courses from dss+. These programs complement our full-length training courses by delivering just the information employees need to know, right when they need it.
Our new microlearning library features e-learning courses that are built in HTML5, include a quiz, and are designed to take five minutes or less to complete. The video courses are two minutes or less in length, include a facilitator’s handout, and can be delivered via streaming video.
Benefits of Microlearning
- Complements full-length courses – can be used as a meeting opener or refresher training
- Bursts of learning to improve retention and close performance gaps
- Can access anytime via mobile devices (tablets and phones)
- Well suited for the just-in- time performance-based learning requirements of today’s workforce
Formats Available
- E-learning
- Streaming video
Microlearning Courses Available
New Releases
Planning For Disasters Series:
- Earthquakes
- Floods
- Hurricanes
- Lightning
- Tornadoes
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Felt Leadership - Industrial
- Felt Leadership-Office
- How to Address
- Substance Abuse/Addiction
- Marijuana is Legal in Several States
- The Importance of Having a Substance Abuse Program in Place
COVID-19 Response Series:
- Business Continuity: Operating in a Pandemic
- Business Recovery: Creating Your Restart Plan
- Emerging Viruses: The COVID-19 Pandemic
- Fear and Anxiety: Living with Uncertainty
- The New Normal: Breaking the Chain of Infection
- The New Normal: Breaking the Chain of Infection for Employees
- The New Normal: Breaking the Chain of Infection for Employers
- The New Normal: Emergency Communication Plan for Employees
- The New Normal: Emergency Communication Plan for Employers
- The New Normal: Cleaning and Disinfecting for Employees
- The New Normal: Cleaning and Disinfecting for Employers
- The New Normal: Managing Employee Health
- The New Normal: Personal Hygiene for Employees
- The New Normal: Personal Hygiene for Employers
- The New Normal: Personal Protective Equipment for Employees
- The New Normal: Personal Protective Equipment for Employers
- The New Normal: Social Distancing for Employees
- The New Normal: Social Distancing for Employers
- The New Normal: Workplace Safety
- The New Normal: Workplace Safety for Employees
- Universal Precautions Against Infection
- Working Remotely: Stay Productive and Connected
Pause for Performance Series
- Arc Flash
- Back Safety
- Bleeding
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Bone Injuries
- Box Cutter Safety
- Burns
- Choking
- Cold Weather Safety
- Combustible Dust
- Commitment
- Communication
- Compassion
- Competence
- Confined Spaces
- Crane Inspection
- Dealing with Fatigue
- Dealing with Stress
- Device Distractions
- Disposable
- Respirators
- Distracted Driving
- Electrical Safety
- Electrical Shock
- Emergency
- Evacuation
- Eye Safety
- Falls
- Fire Extinguishers
- Foot Safety
- Forklift Controls and Instruments
- Forklift Inspections
- Forklift Safe Operations
- Forklift Safety
- Hand Safety
- Handwashing
- HazCom Labels
- Head Safety
- Hearing Safety
- Health and Wellness
- Heat Stress Safety
- Holiday Safety
- Hotel Safety
- Housekeeping
- Ladder Safety
- Lockout/Tagout
- Mind’s Eye
- Mold Awareness
- Pictograms
- Pinch Points
- Respirator Care
- Respiratory Protection
- Rigging
- Safe Lifting Techniques
- Safety Data Sheets
- Sexual Harassment - Hostile Environment
- Sexual Harassment - Quid Pro Quo
- Slips & Trips
- Small Spills and Leaks
- Strains & Sprains
- Total Observation
- Ten Common Hazards
- Warehouse Safety
- Winter Driving
- ZIKA Awareness
Environmental Series:
- Environmental Awareness
- Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure
- Stormwater Runoff
Planning For Disasters Series:
- Earthquakes
- Floods
- Hurricanes
- Lightning
- Tornadoes
Human Resources
Pause For Performance Series:
- Diversity and Inclusion
- How to Address Substance Abuse/Addiction in the Workplace
- It’s About Respect II
- Marijuana is Legal in Several States
- Sexual Harassment: Hostile Environment
- Sexual Harassment: Quid Pro Quo
- The Importance of Having a Substance Abuse Program in Place
Also Available:
- Diversity: The Empowered Workforce
- Inclusion: Diversity Everywhere
- Eliminating Exclusion
- Felt Leadership (Office)
- Felt Leadership (Industrial)