ESG & Long-Term Disclosures: The State of Play in Biopharma
How much forward-looking information do public companies disclose, including on ESG themes? Do they provide targets and KPIs on themes key to long-term value creation?
In this paper, we analyse the accessibility, quantity, and time frame of forward-looking information disclosed by the 25 constituents in the S&P 500 Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences GICS industry classifications.
Using an updated version of CECP’s Long-Term Plan (“LTP”) Framework, we assess four key disclosure channels (annual reports/10-K, stand-alone sustainability reports, proxy statements, and investor day transcripts) and find that forward-looking information is dispersed, and locating it is complex and time-consuming. In addition, the amount of forward-looking disclosure varies across the LTP Framework’s nine themes, with the most found across the themes of Competitive Positioning and Trends. We find that near-term disclosures are most common.
We conclude with a practical set of executive-ready recommendations for corporate managers focused on setting targets, increasing transparency, refreshing materiality, and providing commentary on ESG disclosures.