Improving ESG ratings at European Infrastucture Group by enhancing strategy, disclosures and commitments

Published on Jul 11, 2022


The Group engaged dss+ to develop a portfolio-wide ESG strategy, identify targets, set a roadmap and restructure its annual sustainability report.


dss+ supported the Group in developing and further enhancing its sustainability strategy in cooperation with the Board of Directors and the responsible Division. In addition, the team:

  • Assisted with the development of annual non-financial and sustainability reports.
  • Developed, along with the Group’s Management, short, medium and long-term ESG targets.
  • Calculated energy consumptions and the respective emissions for the entire operations.
  • Designed a comprehensive ESG data collection tool for improving the efficiency of the process.
  • Supported the Group during the external assurance of its non-financial information.


Develop portfolio-wide ESG strategy. Create a roadmap to achieve targets and restructure the sustainability report.


ESG strategy and reporting


  • Developed a clear sustainability strategy and relevant targets.
  • Improved the ESG information communicated to investors and analysts.
  • Improved ESG ratings during the last couple of years due to the enhanced disclosure of information and ESG commitments
  • Integrated the ESG data collection tool into the internal operational platform of the company.