Decarbonising supply chains in Vietnam's coffee sector
Multinational coffee trading companies, as well as coffee cooperatives, are increasingly focused on decarbonising their supply chain. One particularly promising tactic is to optimise and transfer decarbonising technologies into their market. To achieve this, dss+ facilitated technology transfer and stakeholder engagement.

Multinational coffee trading companies, as well as coffee cooperatives, are focused on decarbonising their supply chain.
In order to reduce CO2 emissions in the coffee supply chain, specific actions must be taken on farm level where CO2 emissions are high. Improved waste management has great potential to reduce the carbon footprint. Having adequate technology available is key to ensuring transformation towards zero carbon footprint. The project supported Vietnamese manufacturing companies to enter the market to sell pyrolysis plants.
dss+ Approach
The project was conducted in three phases:
- Technology Transfer: Swiss-Vietnamese technology transfer by continuously optimising the technology to achieving the best handling specifications for the Vietnamese context.
- Support the market launch and business case development: introducing pyrolysis in the context of processing the coffee cherry. Monitoring early technology adopters and collecting data to develop business cases to highlight the economic benefits.
- "Green technology" recognition and awareness raising: engage government authorities and facilitate labelling of the pyrolysis technology as 'green technology'.
Optimise and transfer technology for new market. Develop business case, support market launch and collect data to measure benefits.
Energy transition and decarbonisation
- Cost reductions for coffee producers by having improved burning and drying systems. Additional income for farmers by commercialising biochar.
- Compared to traditional and labourintensive sun drying, the pyrolysis system allows single person operation, which increased the proportion of women taking on such tasks.
- The solution enabled the engagement the entire coffee supply chain: traders, manufacturer and farmers.