Safety Matters: Slips, Trips and Falls (Digital Leaders Guide)
STF005-ELG-ENGSafety Matters: Slips, Trips and Falls (Streaming Video)
STF005-STR-ENGSlips, trips and falls make up a quarter of the injuries reported in the workplace. They can happen anytime, anywhere, and are one of the leading causes of accidental deaths.
Safety Matters: Slips, Trips and Falls helps increase your employees' knowledge and awareness on causes of slips, trips and falls (STFs). It also describes organizational and individual steps you can take to reduce and prevent STFs and make your workplace a safer environment.
- Definition of STFs
- Importance of preventing STFs
- Injuries resulting from STFs
Causes of Slips, Trips and Falls
- Causes of slips
- Causes of trips and missteps
- Causes of falls
Organizational Practices for Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls
- Workplace and work processes design
- Good housekeeping
Individual Practices for Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls
- Safe walking practices
- Wearing proper footwear
Safety Matters: Slips, Trips and Falls is one of a series of 10 programs developed and produced by dss+ Learning & Development, the award-winning leader in employee workplace safety training.
Slips, trips and falls make up a quarter of the injuries reported in the workplace. They can happen anytime, anywhere, and are one of the leading causes of accidental deaths.
Safety Matters: Slips, Trips and Falls helps increase your employees' knowledge and awareness on causes of slips, trips and falls (STFs). It also describes organizational and individual steps you can take to reduce and prevent STFs and make your workplace a safer environment.
- Definition of STFs
- Importance of preventing STFs
- Injuries resulting from STFs
Causes of Slips, Trips and Falls
- Causes of slips
- Causes of trips and missteps
- Causes of falls
Organizational Practices for Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls
- Workplace and work processes design
- Good housekeeping
Individual Practices for Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls
- Safe walking practices
- Wearing proper footwear
Safety Matters: Slips, Trips and Falls is one of a series of 10 programs developed and produced by dss+ Learning & Development, the award-winning leader in employee workplace safety training.
Streaming Video, Digital Leaders Guide | |
English - US | |
5 minutes |
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