Bulk Operations: Maritime Safety (Digital Leaders Guide)
MRT037-ELG-ENGBulk Operations: Maritime Safety (Streaming Video)
Whether employees operate bulk handling equipment, load bulk goods onto a ship with a system of conveyors and free pour chutes, or are part of the cleanup crew, they must always work safely. This course identifies the typical hazards employees will face and what PPE to wear. It also explains how to work safely in the hold and during free pour operations and describes how to operate bulk handling equipment safely.
Learning objectives:
Be Prepared
- Common Hazards
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Working in the Hold & Free Pour Operations
- Bulk Handling Equipment Safety
Whether employees operate bulk handling equipment, load bulk goods onto a ship with a system of conveyors and free pour chutes, or are part of the cleanup crew, they must always work safely. This course identifies the typical hazards employees will face and what PPE to wear. It also explains how to work safely in the hold and during free pour operations and describes how to operate bulk handling equipment safely.
Learning objectives:
Be Prepared
- Common Hazards
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Working in the Hold & Free Pour Operations
- Bulk Handling Equipment Safety
Streaming Video, Digital Leaders Guide | |
English - US | |
12 minutes |
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