Confined Space Atmospheric Testing (Digital Leaders Guide)
CSE003-ELG-ENGConfined Space Atmospheric Testing (Handbook)
CSE003-HBK-ENGConfined Space Atmospheric Testing (Streaming Video)
CSE003-STR-ENGConfined Space Atmospheric Testing (Streaming Video)
A hazardous and potentially deadly atmosphere is a risk that exists every time your employees enter a confined space. In fact, nine out of ten confined space fatalities are due to hazardous atmospheres.
Atmospheric testing can be one of the best lines of defense against this dangerous working condition. Confined Space Atmospheric Testing will help educate individuals on the basics and importance of proper atmospheric testing techniques for confined spaces.
Identifying Confined Spaces
OSHA defines a confined space as any space that:
- Is large enough for a person to enter and perform work in
- Has a limited opening for entry and exit
- Isn't intended for continuous human occupancy.
Identifying Atmospheric Hazards
Most atmospheric hazards in a confined space are invisible to the naked eye as well as odorless. Atmospheric hazards are basically divided into three main categories:
- Unsafe oxygen levels (either oxygen deficient or oxygen enriched)
- Flammable gases
- Toxic vapors and/or toxic dust particulates.
Testing for Atmospheric Hazards
Before ANY entry into a confined space, the atmosphere inside must be tested for hazards using a calibrated direct-reading instrument. Results must be noted on the entry permit.
Evaluation Testing determines:
- Chemical hazards present or that may become present in the space's atmosphere
- Procedures and conditions that must be met to ensure that atmospheric conditions are safe for workers
- What equipment should be used.
This handbook reviews how and when to test for unsafe air and discusses what to do when air is unsafe.
While the number of pages varies, most handbooks are 16 pages in length and include a tear-out quiz.
Handbooks must be purchased in packs of 10. When ordering, enter the number of packs you would like to purchase. For example, if you would like to order 50 handbooks, enter "5" in the quantity field. All handbooks are print-on-demand.
Call 1-877-262-7825 for more information.
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A hazardous and potentially deadly atmosphere is a risk that exists every time your employees enter a confined space. In fact, nine out of ten confined space fatalities are due to hazardous atmospheres.
Atmospheric testing can be one of the best lines of defense against this dangerous working condition. Confined Space Atmospheric Testing will help educate individuals on the basics and importance of proper atmospheric testing techniques for confined spaces.
Identifying Confined Spaces
OSHA defines a confined space as any space that:
- Is large enough for a person to enter and perform work in
- Has a limited opening for entry and exit
- Isn't intended for continuous human occupancy.
Identifying Atmospheric Hazards
Most atmospheric hazards in a confined space are invisible to the naked eye as well as odorless. Atmospheric hazards are basically divided into three main categories:
- Unsafe oxygen levels (either oxygen deficient or oxygen enriched)
- Flammable gases
- Toxic vapors and/or toxic dust particulates.
Testing for Atmospheric Hazards
Before ANY entry into a confined space, the atmosphere inside must be tested for hazards using a calibrated direct-reading instrument. Results must be noted on the entry permit.
Evaluation Testing determines:
- Chemical hazards present or that may become present in the space's atmosphere
- Procedures and conditions that must be met to ensure that atmospheric conditions are safe for workers
- What equipment should be used.
A hazardous and potentially deadly atmosphere is a risk that exists every time your employees enter a confined space. In fact, nine out of ten confined space fatalities are due to hazardous atmospheres.
Atmospheric testing can be one of the best lines of defense against this dangerous working condition. Confined Space Atmospheric Testing will help educate individuals on the basics and importance of proper atmospheric testing techniques for confined spaces.
Identifying Confined Spaces
OSHA defines a confined space as any space that:
- Is large enough for a person to enter and perform work in
- Has a limited opening for entry and exit
- Isn't intended for continuous human occupancy.
Identifying Atmospheric Hazards
Most atmospheric hazards in a confined space are invisible to the naked eye as well as odorless. Atmospheric hazards are basically divided into three main categories:
- Unsafe oxygen levels (either oxygen deficient or oxygen enriched)
- Flammable gases
- Toxic vapors and/or toxic dust particulates.
Testing for Atmospheric Hazards
Before ANY entry into a confined space, the atmosphere inside must be tested for hazards using a calibrated direct-reading instrument. Results must be noted on the entry permit.
Evaluation Testing determines:
- Chemical hazards present or that may become present in the space's atmosphere
- Procedures and conditions that must be met to ensure that atmospheric conditions are safe for workers
- What equipment should be used.
Streaming Video, Digital Leaders Guide, Handbook | |
English - US, Spanish | |
23 minutes | |
18 minutes |
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