EU Content Portal

Description. EU content portal aims to raise dss+ profile in EHS and Sustainability, and to align it closely with Safety and OpEx practices. Through conducting industry-focused surveys and sharing content which will heavily focus on sustainability, this portal aims to position dss+ as an advocate and a trusted advisor in this area, generate leads and nurture client relationships. Website url:

Portal is built on Wordpress platform, and uses SmartSurvey engine to conduct and analyse surveys.

Server locations: Hosting (providing that it is acceptable for this portal to be hosted by PureWhite, the designers and developers of this portal): London, UK.

SmartSurvey: UK (see ‘Smart Survey. Securing Your Data’ PDF, attached to this email)

Information collected: individuals do not require to log in to access the information, therefore anonymous tracking is used to track topics that are clicked on. This is done without saving any data.

List of cookies:

Name Owner Purpose / Description Duration and expiry Type
wordpress_logged_in_[user id] WordPress Used to ascertain if a visitor is logged into WordPress 14 days if user selects ‘remember me’ Essential
wordpress_sec_[user id] WordPress Used to ascertain if a visitor is logged into WordPress 14 days if user selects ‘remember me’ Essential
wordpress_test_cookie WordPress A cookie set by WordPress that tests if the browser accepts cookies. Browsing session Essential
wp-settings-[user id] WordPress Used to confirm a user’s WP admin configuration 12 months Performance
wp-settings-time-[user id] WordPress Used to customise an admin’s view of the admin interface. Does not impact on general users of the site. 12 months Performance

Wordpress also uses a number of plugins to aid Content Management System (CMS) and features:

  • Advanced Custom Fields Pro – used to build the article/post elements of the site and have fully editable fields.
  • All-in-One WP Migration – supports with the migration of the website when it comes to go-live or making back-ups.
  • SearchWP Live Ajax Search – used to support the live, fillable search bar functionality.
  • SiteGround Optimiser – links the site with the hosting to optimise performance.
  • SiteGround Security – links the site with the hosting to optimise security and prevent numerous web threats.
  • Yoast SEO – supports the management tracking of SEO performance across the site.